The Govt. Degree College, Kamalpur Library is a library with partially open access system. Readers will not be allowed to enter into the stack room without permission of the Library in charge or the Librarian. Books will be issued to them from the circulation counter as per their requisition.
The Library will remain open from 10 a.m. to 05 p.m. on all working days but the circulation counter will function between 10:30 am and 4:30 pm. But Saturday it will function up to 02 pm.
During vacations library will remain closed, but if required, then library internal work may be continued.
Library users are required to apply for registration of their name to access the library facilities with proper documents related to his/her identity proof and relation with the institution.
No journal and costly reference book will be issued outside the Library premises, book having single copy or the last copy in the library will not be issued outside the library premises. The Librarian or Library in charge may however, in special circumstances, issue such volumes on limited period like 03 days ( three days).
All students , teachers and non-teaching staffs of the institution are entitled to borrow books from the Library as specified below:- ( it may be amended time to time as per requirement) Teachers=> 25 (twenty five) volumes at a time for one academic year. Guest lecturer=> 06 (six) volumes at a time for one academic year Students => Pass students- 02 (two) volumes at a time for 14 (fourteen) days. Honours students – 03(three) volumes at a time for 14 (fourteen ) days. BCA students – 03 ( three) volumes at a time for 14 ( fourteen ) days DCA students –02 ( two) volumes at a time for 14 ( fourteen ) days. Non-teaching staffs=> 10 (ten) volumes at a time for 30 ( thirty ) days. Reprography facility may be available for students @ 50 (fifty) paisa per page.
Books may be renewed to any user as per requirement if available.
Books required for any technical work or stock verification/ revision may be called back at any time from the users.
Books and journals damaged, defaced mutilated or lost have to be replaced and in case, any volume or part of a set having been damaged etc. the user will be liable to replace the entire volume or set. In case of volume or set is not available in the market, so damaged, defaced, etc., the user will have to pay the price of the documents ( books/ journals, etc.) including 1/3 (one third) penalty of the documents price.
No user will be allowed to enter into the Library premises with his/her handbag, umbrella, rain-coat, stick or pet etc. No book / journal other than for the purpose of return/renewal etc. shall be allowed inside the Library premises for the purpose of taking notes.
The Librarian is empowered to look after all the internal service and functional matter including library staff control in the library and he is directly answerable to the Principal of this College.
Library users are requested to maintain complete silence within the library premises and they are also requested to make it a point not to talk aloud or do anything that may distract attention of the other users or cause vexation to them.
Library users would also please appreciate that there should be no activity inside the Library premises that may cause damage to the library properties or endanger their security. Any damage to the library properties will be made good at the expense of the user liable for such damage etc.
No fresh issue of books will be made to any defaulting users unless he/she cleared the dues.
Every student will have to obtain library clearance before appearing in the final exam or semester exam of each year. For the staff, nobody should be released from the institution without library clearance certificate.
A library committee should be reconstituted as per requirement, and the Principal will act as the Chairman of the committee, the Librarian will act as the convener and all the HOD & HOD i/c will act as the member of the Library Committee.
A library Development Committee may be constituted or reconstituted as per requirement where librarian must be the member of such committee.
Rules & Regulations
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05/02/2024 01:42 pm